Friday, August 12, 2011

A Few Wrasse after Work

I dont know why i am posting this report as the Wrasse are only smallish. The biggest one i have had over 2 evenings after work was just under 4lb! Wednesday i had 7 Wrasse in around a hour and a half, but yesterday only the 2 but it was Windy Raining with Swell made life alot harder for me :( !!
Here are a couple of Photos for you guys to see :) !

My First Corkling Wrasse on a Lure

I have a little fishing club competition over the weekend for Wrasse i will post how i get on! will probably be using Crab & Lures! as i heard of a 7lb 7oz Wrasse caught earlier on in the week on Crab ! So i still dont think you can beat it! who knows ?? 

Thanks for reading :)